
ecosand is an eco-friendly
leader who leads natural resources.


Landscaping(Product Features)

Product Common Introduction
  • Eco-friendly high quality sand
  • Selected with particles suitable for vegetation (under 3.4mm)
  • Processing according to use such as cleaning, sorting, packaging etc.
  • Specialized vinyl packaging material to maintain product condition

Product Information Table

Product name Master (Landscaping)
Use To build and manage sports facilities such as landscaping, golf courses, football fields, etc.
Product specifications/mm 640 * 460
Weight/kg 20kg
Raw material Natural silica
Sand specifications No. 5~7 (0.25 ~ 1.0mm)
Packaging material Polypropylene
Price Please inquire

Distribution according to size

Slide from side to side >>

Section pH EC Salinity > 3.4 mm 3.4 – 2.0 mm 2.0 – 1.0 mm 1.0 – 0.5 mm 0.50 – 0.25mm 0.25 – 0.15 mm 0.15 0 0.05mm 0.5 mm or less
(1:5) (ds/m) (%) (%)
Landscaping sand 0.65 0.08 - 0.2 0.3 0.4 18.4 62.5 14.5 3.4 0.4
Based pm KTR 5.5 – 7.0 Under 1.0 Under 0.01 Under 20% 60% or higher 20% or less
Korea Turfgrass Research Institute (KTRI) earthing sand analysis standards and results

Grass Earthing Information

Other of Earthing

Cut grass ▶ Earthing (spraying sand) ▶ Clean-up (Collect cut grass and even out sand) ▶ Watering (recovery procedure for grass stressed due to grass arrangement and earthing)

Other of Earthing

  • Helps generate new roots
  • Reduces falling over
  • Draining and prevents weeds
  • Suppresses non-productive tiller
  • Offers flat surface

Earthing method (Kentucky Bluegrass)

  • -(Time) Early spring and late autumn earthing
    * Most effective to earth ahead of the season according to the optimal growth temperature (15.5~24℃)
  • -(Earthing quantity and times) Twice a month 0.5cm a time

Amount of use

  • -20kg (1 sack) used per 3.3m2
    * There may be differences depending on the growth state of the grass, grooves on the ground, etc.